Astoria Online

Village of Kaiyville Adventure #6

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Tracking Down Dalen and the Thoon

May 17, 2009  Played at Mark's Place

Attended,  '7'

Mark.. Lorelei female gnome fighter
Rob.. Broddur male dwarven fighter/cleric of Arawai
Scott.. Prescia female human barbarian

Keith.. Alura female human the paladin of Dol Arrah/Quantom

Nate.. Aleanan male elven Fighter/Ranger

John.. Barak male dwarf fighter/cleric of Quantom

DaveO..Savannah female elven fighter     
The adventure left off with the party on the side of the road contemplating their plan to forge ahead and find the anvil, and Dalen.  As the party beds down for the night a wandering minstrel named Youklis approaches the party.  He survives the initial Broddur comment of 'Kill Em he looks like a goblin' and managed to talk with Alura and explain he would appreciate the campfire and companionship for the night on his way to Kaiyville.  He tells the party he heard of the plight of the attack on the village and was heading that way to assist if he could.  He tells the party the following.
"I saw a group of orcish soldiers in black leather uniforms with a pink skull on the chest, that were 50 orcs strong.  They were marching rapidly with a large box being pulled on a cart that 10 men were pulling.  The orcs looked more like the legendary Togs that once infested the lands of Neuposa.  There were 5 of them on horses, which in itself seemed odd to me.  They were heading north and west toward the main Vox pass into Old Neuposa.  The orcs moved fast and with purpose and had a robed leader, that was wearing a black cloak and and a red black robe.  The leader had his head hooded and as such, I did not see his face.  His hands were scaly and creepy green in color.  The wagon had no animals hooked to it, but was pulled by the orcs themselves.  They had a couple of scouts scouring the area ahead of the wagon.  I watched from a nearby tree, not moving for a second, as their scouts had crossbows and seemed to know how to use them.  I'd never seen such a well organized group of orcs and none so fast.  They are probably 3 days from here now.  I will tell you that I found this burned letter in the camp fire after they left."  (He gets a leather pack out from a satchel and unwraps a peice of parchment, and hands you a completely black and charred piece of paper that cannot be easily read and crumbles when he hands it to you) Opps he says, I was afraid it might be too fragile to tranport.  This note did once say, in the infernal tongue, that DH (I assume this is the Dalen you spoke of) was alive and well, and would be made to forge the magical device to free thier god Airymagnus from imprisonment.  Dalen was poisoned and unconscious, and would be no trouble without his armor or weapons.  They would deliver him to the Temple of Z.A.K. in 7 more days.  That leaves you 4 days before they arrive.  They were on the main pass that would take them North and then West.  There is a chance that a fast group could catch them and stop them before they reach the Temple in Neuposa that they seek.  But to make this trip, you may need a boost.  The Bard says 'I can possibly assist in this endeavor.  There is another route thru the pass, that could save 3 days of travel, and possibly cut off the wagon with Dalen and the Anvil, if this is still the case.  It will be dangerous, and only a fool would attempt this.  Are you interested?' 
This simple plan involves defeating a band of robbers that own the passage, and don't take kindly to strangers.  Some call them the sons of Tanis, no one knows why though.  They can be bribed, but are not cheap.  They will want gold and your women naked and enslaved.  Their leader is the guildmaster rogue of Morreldeen named Gil, and they will kill onsite anyone that they feel threatened by.  They have specialized experts at the heavy crossbow, and highly trained archers along with their shadow masters that seem to come from out of no where when they attack.  Their leader Gil is known to like wine, women, and song.  He also loves to play many types of card games, and feels as if he is far superior to all in all card games and dice games.  If you can make your way to the these bandits, convince them to let you thru, you'll be completedly caught up to the Orcs, and ready to stop them before they make it all the way to the Temple of Z.A.K.  If they in fact have Dalen, and the Anvil, you can free him, the Anvil and return to Kaiyville in short order partying like is 999.  If not, well, it has been nice meeting you.  The Minstrel Youklis thanks you for the hospitality, and says, 'I'll see you all back in Kaiyville in a few days.'
Although this story was forgotten after the big tavern fight, Alura reminisced about the old man that told/retold the old stories of old about the Duke, how Morreldeen formed and the myths that built the world around you.

 Many moons ago, when I was a young and adventurous lad, I knew the great heroes of Astoria.  I met Zen, the great and holy Saint Calin when he was just a boy, and saw some of the great battles of yesteryear. 


As the Story is told, in the late night hours of autumn in the year (698) one of the many wives of Duke Kaneada Von Zoraster, was taken by pirates while the Duke was distracted.  The pirates took Helen from her own ship and stole away with her in the night.  The Duke as it turns out, was himself kidnapped by Airymagnus, removed from his place of power and trapped in another world.  But that is another story.  The Duke did finally return to find his wife missing, and his royal vizier having paid the full ransom of 1 million gold pieces to the bandits in exchange for Helen aka the Duchess of Kaneada alive and well.  The Duchess was returned, but naked, and not very Well at all.  She possessed in fact a King’s ransom of Wed Magic on her when kidnapped, so much so, that the Duke personally attended to the revenge and the attack of the bandits with extreme prejudice.  The 4 ships that were involved in the attack were the Black Dog captained by -Durge Gloin, The Blue Iris with captain-Johnny Broadcast, The Plentiful Ale captain-Jade Collin and the Red Sash captain-Kyle McTurner


The Royal Vizier Lord Olmzo, in the tradition of the Duke, sent the ransom ship to meet with the Black dog and his captain Durge Gloin, and made sure to mark the bags of gold so that they could find the bandits later.  Hundreds of the gold coins were stamped with markers, others dipped in blood, and silver was mixed in randomly in several bags as well.  The ransom ship met up with the Black Dog.  They were supposed to hand over the Duke’s wife and the treasure would be transferred to the bandits.  The Black Dog surprised the Duke’s ship with the 2 other ships that arrived called the Plentiful Ale, and the Blue Iris.    The bandits murdered the entire crew of the Duke’s ship and then proceeded to kill the crew of the Black Dog and its captain Durge Gloin as well.  The pirates in the 2 ships that were left a live, did not want to share the Wed Magic they knew the Duchess had.  They then took the treasure, set both the Duke’s ransom ship and the Black Dog ship on fire, and watched them sink, and then sailed off. 


The 3 remaining bandit ships met up and divided up the gold, with the Red Sash carrying the vast majority of the gold, and the captain of the Red Sash Kyle McTurner keeping 4 pieces of Wed Magic for himself.  He claimed what is now known as the Pieces of the Octal for himself.


The Red Sash captain Kyle McTurner and its crew, soon after meeting up with the 2 remaining ships, sunk into the sea.  It was the lead ship of the pirate group and it sunk in a great storm with all its treasure near a tropical island.  Some believe this island and the lost treasure, gone now for over 300 years is sunk 20 miles south of the Alabaster City.  Others think that the island is far further South.  Most know however that the ship and the treasure were never found.  
Post Adventure NOTES****
The adventure carried the party from the side of the road, to the side of the road further down the line.  They met Renard Zendain, whom pass the party a Duke's medallion, in which no one wore, based on the claims of a party member's claim that the medallion was cursed!
The party ate, had a nice rest and enjoyed the hospitality of Renard.
They received a note, cryptic, but not too difficult from the captain of the Militia Karl Micha, and it was meant to clue in the group, in the event they were to run into Renard, which they did.  From their they encountered Gil and the Son's of Tanis.  The party pooled their finances, and played dragon Ante with Aleanon, Lorelei, Barack, Precia and Gil.  Precia, and Barack fell out first and second with the game getting called by Gil, thinking he could win, but was defeated by Aleanon by only a few gold pieces.  Gil and the Son's of Tanis allowed the party to pass, which took them to Cleveland's Ferry and the crossing Tog.  The party set a trap, and attacked the crossing Tog, defeated them as a split force and caused the top Lt. Tog to run away in the end.  The party rescued Dalen, and a large treasure cache.  The party then returned to the pass, were given permission to return thru the pass "Just this once" and go back to Kaiyville.  The party made it to Kaiyville unmolested.....
More notes to follow.