Astoria Online

AiryMagnus's Cursed Remnant
Current Adv. Info
Special Info for Astoria
Deadnot Dedication

This is the location of information for the use of Brad's adventure involving off-worlders coming to Astoria.  Currently the adventure will be held at Brad's house.  The adventure is scheduled to be on 5/16/04 at 2pm.  We plan to go til 8:30pm

The adventure begins with a letter arriving at Zen's Keep.  The letter is from Father Quintos.  It is an old letter, mostly worn by age, with a smell of sage.  The letter is dated 693.  Current dates are well into the 720's.  The letter was obviously written many years earlier.  The courier tells the interested Zen that he was given the letter by a strange dark robed man in the city of Telldale.  The man paid him 150GP to deliver this letter on this day.  "I had to travel day and night for 5 days to get this here.  He only told me to give the letter to you in hopes that you would provide me an answer to assist him.  He did not tell me the contents of the letter, only that you would give me a yes or no reply.  What say you oh great Zen master?" 
Zen provided a "yes" and the courier went back to the city.  Zen hired an old friend, Tanis Fellenor to track the courier and report back.  Tanis gladly did the favor to the old Egohound.  One week later a message was sent to Zen from Tanis.  The note read only "The courier speaks of a great power".  Zen this world can not stop this power.  Bring forth your only hope Astoria.  Call on friend far and wide.  Airymagnus has returned to Astoria to finish what he started.  Summon your aid to the ruined pyramid of AiryCentral as soon as you can.  The pyramids call out to the off-worlders to start another great war.  With mankind in such disarray, you must not let this happen.  Please send word at once....
Tanis Fellenor writes.
There is a keep near the pyramid called the KEEP OF THE UNDERLORD.  This keep houses the Evil we have spoken of. This place contains the secret of the presence as well as the key to its' destruction.  I have seen with my own eyes (of the eagle) that this creature is well protected, well armed and well funded.  If you find the beast known as Neela, kill it.  It holds a hell spawn of incredible renown.  Only good can defeat this foe.  If someone travels in this fellowship, and is of a secretive nature, they will be corrupted and brought into the fold.  Do not allow this.  My sense is that a great evil sleeps within the keep.  I will get back to you soon Zen, once my agents return with more information.  I will hopefully have some coordinates for you by later this week.

Drawing made by agent of Tanis
Appears to be keep with high walls Looking N/W

This drawing was made 2 days ago.
Message to Zen.  Sir Avalon and Koraka the Grand Wizard have pledged their word to your aid.  Both plan to arrive within a few days to help organize the gathering of others.  Avalon pledges to try to get the great Gideon, Paladin of Funter.  Zen sought additional guidance from Neysa by traveling to peace to meditate in the Gardens of Hatsumi.  But as he entered the garden, acorns fell from the trees nearby.  Zen retreated to his horse and returned home.
Message from Tanis.  Zen have you thought about ANY? Astorian Heros who could come to this aid.  Anyone whom might be still young enough and yet experienced in dealing with greater powers?  I thought of one.  Let me know if you know where to find her.  Her name is Chech.  A great warrior princess. :)
Message from Tanis.  Zen have you made any strides in contacting the Great Funterian Paladin Gideon.  The one they call the Eqyptian.  You know Mr. Clean.  He would be a great Asset.  I only know him by his reputation, but he seems to be a formidible package.  We are getting down to the wire.  Lets get the group finalized soon, so we can put together some brainstorming ideas.
Message to Zen from Koraka.  I got here in Astoria and I freaked out.  Sorry.  I went back home.  Come out my way to discuss insideous Karma Astoria emits.   I am on the fence as to whether I can really be helpful to you.  If you could locate another greater power, you might start looking today.
More later.
Message to Tanis from Zen, Please have your agents continue to gather whatever information they can.  It should prove useful to our mission.  If you can get ahold of a better map.  This one seems to have gotten a bit wet.  Thanks for all your help thus far.
Message from Chech to the great Zen.  Yes I've heard of you.  No I don't know anything about this evil scourge.  Yes I might be willing to help.  What's in it for me?  Will there be some great chance for death and great reward?  Please get back to me.  I will be at the Telldale Inn in Telldale for the next 2 weeks.  Stop by, we can do brunch.
Message from Zen to Chech.  NO! you can't kill people.  This is all about saving the world.  We don't pay people.  They do this for the good of the world.
Message from Chech to Zen.  Fine....Forget it.  I really didn't want to help you anyway.  I have plenty to do in my little hut outside of Telldale.  Have a nice time storming the castle.
Message to Eskil from Tanis.  I understand you have been to Astoria before.  It would help some of the off-worlders if you could provide some assistance.  You came to retreive the Club of Justice.  My understanding is that you did in fact take it back from the Duke.  If that is true, you must be a great and powerful being.  Please honor us with your presence.
Message to Catrina The Pure of Heart Paladine.  We are still looking for a powerful priestess to assist this party into the night.  We could use a presence as powerful as you.  I understand your husband does not appreciate your visiting with other men.  The good news is, Koraka is looking to come.  She can be your escort.  Besides the 2 men worth mentioning are both Paladins of excellent standing within the community.  You may have heard of Avalon and Gideon before. There reputation precedes them.  It will be good to have you along great Catrina. 
Good news Zen.  One of my scouts has returned.  He has brought me new information about the Keep and its comings and goings.  I will provide what I can when I get it.  It might do us some good to get someone on the inside.  If you know anyone who might serve this task, let us know my friend.  None of my men can infultrate.  They would surely be caught, killed and expose our fellowship.  If you have some suggestions, please pass them to me as soon as you may.
Great Zen, the complex has the following design specifications.  There is a main wall made of granite that stands 18 feet tall.  There is a single main entrance with a gatehouse and portcullis.  There is a main keep complext that measures approximately 100feet x 140 feet.  It has a few towers extending off the main complex.  There appears to be a barracks system behind the main complext.  Guards line the walls, they lost mostly human.  But there appears to be some other creature, could be lizardmen.  Not sure what they are completely.  Agent #07 seemed to think they were murks.  I told them that the murk race was wiped out 28 years ago.  I've included a map below showing a frontal shot of the complex.

Keep of the Underlord
Underlord Keep
Front view looking North

Message from Agent #07 to Tanis.  Sir I've got all the information until we can get an agent inside.  I have heard tales of a great spy hired once by the Deadnots.  His name was Eben the Sly One.  We need better HumInt if we are to make this work.  I would suggest, If I may, that we send someone now who can get us better measurements of the structure, as well as a better count of the guards shifts and their garrisons.  Until we know what were up against, there is not much else we can do.  How much money do we have to work with Sir?
Message to Zen from Tanis.  Great Zen, what funding resource are you putting forth to bring this mission about?  Do you have some ideas on other spys to infiltrate the complex?  Do you want to attempt some magic?  The divinations should be done prior to the agent going under if at all possible, to assist him in his success. 
Agent #03 to Tanis .
I sighted a man in a skull mask today.  He was being escorted by a groupd of 20 large and fabulously dressed souls. They went into the main gate, riding a chariot.  They went in, no one has come out yet.  Chariot vanished as quickly as it appeared. 
Tanis to Zen.  I think Airymagnus has come back.  What do you know of this?
Message to Tanis from Zen.
I just don't know.  I can't believe after I killed him, and the all-powerful Fuscia wizards cursed him, that he could just end up back in some sort of plot.  We hunted down his 2 children, and the great Sir Valkries slayed that Evil spawn with his holy sword.  The remains were again properly given to the Fuscia to prevent unholy after-life work.  So I don't believe it could be him or his son.  I will have a talk with my belt and get back to you.  I have other means to identify if Airymagnus is here on our plane.  Again I will let you know.  Have your men been able to assess the garrison.  We need to know what our chances are if we have to direct assault the complex.  We need to know what kind of plan we need to put together.  Please get your man inside and get some HumInt for us, or contact your god, or something.  We are only days away from this. As far as funding is concerned.  Any and all resources of my estate are at your disposal.  What are you looking for?
Message to Tanis from Agent #2
We have additional stats on the Keep.
Outer walls are precisely 25 feet tall.  The walls are over 10 foot thick granite.  There is 30 foot wide gatehouse with oaken portcullis.  There are built up walkways made of stone that extend ten feet in for spotting.  The inside complex has a main building that is 90 feet wide, and 100 feet long.  It appears to be made mostly of granite.  There is a 35 foot wide tower narrowing to a 25 foot extension tower above that in the center of the complex.  A second set of towers are attached to the back of the complex.  They stand 45 feet tall each.  There are 3 buildings located to the rear of the complex that appear to house a large portion of the garrison.  As many as 150 guards have been seen on duty throughout the day.  As many as 15 guards patrol the outer walls at all times.  I need 10,000 gp to secure safe passage of 1 of my agents.  Can you get that amount.
Tanis to Agent.
No problem.  Zen has assured me, money won't be an issue.
Message from Tanis to Eskil.
I understand you are an excellent spy.  We were wondering if you could manage to come on board to help investigate the Keep of the Underlord.  I realize that your small statue might make it difficult for them to hire you at first.  But it was my understanding that you were small enough to fit on the underside of a pig.  We thought you might be able craw on his underside, grab hold of the corkscrew wiggly and hold on until the day of the slaughter.  Let us know what you think.  Is this at all even plausible?
TICK TOCK, 6 hours without a response.
There are many who started calling Eskil bad names lately.
Eskil wet bottom, and others are more mean with Eskil "I'll be there"
But after a full day, no Eskil could be found.  Tanis became worried.  What hath come of the great Eskil.  He could have been taken captive by the Plague.  Maybe he is being eaten as I stand.  I will dispatch an agent to find Eskil so as to move quickly on the solution.  

Eskil on underside of Pig
Simulation of Eskil Sneaking into the Underlord Complex as Super Agent aka the absentee spy.

Message Tanis to Indigo.   Have you answered the call to arms in this endeavor?  Please let us know.
Message to Zen from Catrina.
I am hoping to arrive in the next few days, as everyone else is already there and waiting to hear back from our man on the inside.  My understanding is that we could need some serious re-inforcements.  Should my husband come along. He is an excellent warrior.  He could serve this mission well.
Message from Zen to Catrina.
I don't think another powerful Paladin on this plane would be a good thing.  The balance of power to date, is one that maginalized the undead hunters.  Please leave him at home.  Give him my address in case he needs help coming to retrieve your body. :)
Message from Tanis to Zen.
My men have been on the ground.  They took the measurements yesterday.  I think later today they will have a sketch of the internals.  If they do, hopefully my pigeon can get the image to you in a few hours.  What have you finallized about the party.  How many do you have, and how many more do we need?
Message from Zen to Tanis.
I have Avalon ElanBeheader, Gideon Paladin of Funter, Koraka Powerful Eqyptian Marquessa, Catrina High Priestess of Paladine, and Indigo Great Sorcerous.  We could use Eskil or anther great power, but we have to move with what we've got.  5-6 is my count.  If you have any more thoughts on this, let me know.
Message from Agent #4 to Tanis.
My man has finally returned.  I have a map that I will provide once you get back from your trip today.  Let me know if you want anything further.
Message from Indigo to Zen.
I've heard you need some additional help.  I am there to save this forsaken world of yours.  I was told about this by a will-o-wisp friend of mine.
Message Zen to Tanis.
It is getting late tonight.  I will get started again in the morning.  We only have a few more days of this, and I will have to send the party on their way. 
Message to Zen from Tanis.
I got a message last night.  Eskil can not join the group.  He said he has a bad allergy to swine.  I told him, we were only kidding about the pig riding, but he was absolutely clear that he was going to hold to tradition and reputation as the Absentee spy.  He would with the party in spirit, but that even his spirit would be far from harms way.
I am still waiting on news of another who can assist the party.  He is a power being who will not give his name out yet.  Once I can sit with him for a drink, I will provide more information.
Message to Zen from Tanis.
We have Avalon, Gideon, Koraka, and Catrina already at your keep.  They are going over plans as I write this.  They will not wait long for others.  They have a plan in place and are just squeaking out the details.  Please get the final participants onboard and ready to work.
Message to Tanis from Agent #01
As instructed, I've spent all my time overlooking the pyramids of Airy.  The great pyramid "AiryCentral" appears to be the center of some seismic activity.  There have been some serious rumblings in and around the area of the pyramids.  No noticable destruction or damage to any pyramid have been found.  There are bases of lizardmen completely surrounding each pyramid.  there are a total of 5 pyramids.  4 smaller ones in a square shape around the main larger one.  The smaller ones stand approximately 200-250 feet tall, the larger one stands some 800 feet tall.  The rumblings are thought by the locals to be retributions of Oneg.  Others believe that an earthquake will destroy the main pyramid in its entirety.  Ever since Airymagnus contructed the main pyramid in the middle of the 4 more ancient smaller one, the locals have believed that the structure was bad luck.  Since the pyramids were never finished, they appear oddly on the horizon.  The main pyramid has always appeared with its cap missing, making it nearly 100 feet shorter then it was always intended to become.
Message to Agent #01 from Tanis
Stay near and alert.  Let us know if there is any change to any pyramid.   
Message to Tanis from Agent #01.
I will include a picture of the area and include it with the other secret files for your mission.  I sent Agent#04 in close to closer examine the AiryCentral pyramid.  I don't know what this means for the mission overall.  I know that there is a convoy later today from the complex out to the pyramid lizardmen armies.  The armies have not moved in the few hours, but they continue to patrol the area and constantly throw up dust and mud in and around the area. 
Message from Tanis to Zen.
Jerico Blackaxe arrived today.  He is the missing agent Tanis was hoping for.  Once he saw Gideon and Avalon, he knew he had to participate directly with the parties mission.  Jerico is a powerful fighter and highly intelligent agent of investigation.  He will assist this goal greatly.  Jerico can you take up position where Eskil left off. 
Message from Agent #09 to Tanis
I've got some more intel on the Underlords Complex.  I will be sending it to you shortly.
Message from Zen to Tanis.
We have the fellowship finalized.  We have Koraka the Eqyptian Marquessa, Gideon the Funterian Paladin, Avalon the Great Paladin, Catrina the High Cerist of Palatine, Jerico BlackAxe the great dwarven investigator, and Indigo a force of goodness that evil shivers at the mention.  With these, I think we can succeed.  The agents will continue to work even as the mission unfolds, and will provide as much intel as possible throughout.  If someone gets hurt, or the party needs assistance, release one of the smoking potions provided (6 red ) (6 Blue).  Blue indicates the mission is a success.  Red indicates dire straights and please re-inforce.  You should leave tomorrow morning.  You have 19 hours to finalize everything and be off as soon as possible. 
On the predictions about Airymagnus.  I want to assure all of you, he is not alive.  At least as far as I can tell, and I have a device that can locate Airymagnus on this world.  He does not register.  Whomever this group is, they are not Airymagnus.  As we get in more information in the next few hours, I will write more Tanis and keep you apprised.  Please continue with the information you are getting from you agents.  It has proven helpful up until now.  Thank you. Zen.
Message from Agent #09 to Tanis.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-19h)
I've gathered the intel and here it is.  I've identified several things.  There were 12 humanoids moving outside the complex in unison.  It appears that 2 are the leaders and 10 body guards.  The body guards will be described later.  The leaders were a man and women.  They acted as if they were lovers/married.  The male wore a skull mask and very finely adorned clothing.  It was a green and fuscia colored outfit.  The women wore red mostly and was covered with fine jewelry.  Both seemed to be barking at the workers at the complex.  The 10 guards beat some of the grunts standing around.  Eventually they went back inside the front door.  Currently the grunts appear to be made up of normal humans and a few lizardmen.  The defenses appear to be quite sophisticated.  There are at least 200-250 guards during the day watch.  More later.

Final Hours til H-hour (T-18h)
Message from Agent #09 to Tanis.


Whoa Dude!

I'd say any frontal assault is doomed to suffer at least 100,000 casualties.  They have archer stands lining every exterior wall, and behind them, another set of independant elevated stands, They could probably set up 1000 archers and another 1000 reloaders behind them. If they have other range weapons, they have a perfect set up for them too. Perhaps ballista, springal, wizards, quasits with poison darts, catapaults, who knows what else they've got!  There is 1 central tower, 4 corner posts an interior building, and an exterior wall that looks strong enough to withstand a full battalion of helspawn or tog.  Report #12 -Master"one eye" Chuck


Message from Tanis to Zen.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-17h)
My thoughts on the plan as it is today Zen, would be to get the other members here at your keep now.  Sit down and discuss the plan before anyone blunders the entire mission.  Some of your group have already sought information on the complex and on the threat.  We need to reign in any and all rogue elements and make this task a group effort, so that there are no surprises we can't handle.  Tanis
Message to all from Zen.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-16h)
Hello adventurers,
I appreciate all of you coming to the aid of my homeland...
Now that we've gotten the nicities are out of the way ..WHAT are you doing?
I have not heard one solid game plan, not even one suggestions of what we should be looking for.  I realize that some of the clues and hints are distracting and that the agents under Tanis have not been all that helpful up until now.  But
we are running out of time.  What we can do to aid the scouts?What part can we take in the scouting? This is a great threat and needs to be taken seriously.  If this person is as I predict some kind of cheap knock-off of the real Airymagnus, this should be a cakewalk.  If however I am wrong, and this is truly some kind of re-incarnation of the real Airymanus, this could be your doom.  I feel like you all think you will just walk in and the place will give you all the answers you seek  The lizardmen and Murk races of astoria are not known for their cooperation.  They are known well for eating human flessh when given the chance.  I am too old and feeble to take part, OR I would consider going with you except at this moment I feel the need to stay back to form a rescue unit.  I have a query for the 2 great Paladins, in Avalon & Gideon, I have heard so much about you yet I have even to hear one word from either of you, please tell me you are more than suits of armor with a blade...Blackaxe, glad to have you a true investigative rogue in the group, you will be needed before this is over...Indigo, I hope you can convince these 2 paladins of the need for steath in our approach.  If you try to take on the building force, you will be massacred. Koraka, please mention some spells that the Party can make use.  If you have diviation spells that you can provide or at least let us know what you can do.  In my experience, wizards serve little purpose in Astoria.  Catrina, what divination can you provide the group? Anything would help us at this point.  Please we are down to only a few hours, some of you may want to rest.  I have guest rooms at the keep.  Once you are close and ready to head out, I will have Calin's son here to provide a feast for you all. 
The Ego Hound
Message from Tanis to Zen.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-15h)
My men have come across some interesting drawings.  Take a close look at what I've been providing, the hidden messages tell so much more then the drivle I've been writing lately.
Message from Tanis to Zen.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-14h)
With only 14 hours before everyone is assembled and ready to go, we need to get information from the remaining agents.  I will personally go out right now and see what is keeping them. Once I have some more information, I will return and provide you with the update.
Quick summary of agents and duties.
Agent#01 Overseeing entire mission, time split, coordinating all other work by all other agents.
Agent#02 Overseeing mission at the complex
Agent#03 Agent assigned to watch and count patrols
Agent#04 Agent setup to provide detail on complex make-up and size
Agent#05 Pyramid observer, not checked in at all, not once.
Agent#06 Library researcher
Agent#07 Pyramid observer, has provide Agent #01 great detail
Agent#08 Pyramid observer, has managed to measure the field and main structure
Agent#09 Complex agent assigned to protect #02, #03, #04
Agent#10 Directing Agent #6 at library work. 
Message from Agent #08.
I have determined that something bad has already happened.  I now understand a few things.  First and foremost, whomever is behind this new menace is taking humans captive.  This is absolutely clear.  There are many thousands of lizardmen soldiers amassed all around the pyramids.  They have hundreds if not a thousand captive people.  I think Agent #05 was taken while observing.  His primary spotting zone is overrun with a lizardmen encampment.  We also know that there have been several trips over the last few weeks by the skull masked creature.  His guards call him Beta.  According to the record, Airymagnus's son was named BetaMagnus.  If this is truly BetaMagnus, then I fear a far greater evil is likely. 
We saw something else strange.  We noticed that the pyramids seems to be the source of many of the rumblings.  There are many who believe that the the pyramids were built by Airymagnus while he was the lone Fuscia free from their imprisonment.  If he did build it, and the secrets of the pyramid are known by BetaMagnus, We can only guess what truly evil purpose this entire campaign is set against. Airymagnus was supposed to have completed AiryCentral in 976.  He was stopped just prior to its completion by the Deadnots.  The deadnots destroyed the internal complex and altars to the god REX.  Airymagnus was killed and his possessions destroyed. If this enslavement is somehow connected to gathering a new slave force to complete the pyramid, this will be an easy mission to complete.  I will head back down Tanis and see what other information I can find.
Message from Tanis to Zen.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-13h)
I have to give my guys some down time in the next few hours.  I am planning to have them take 4 hour breaks each over the next 6 hours.  Our

Surveillance may fall during that time.  We want everyone ready to continue to assist you when ever and where ever throughout the mission.  Once we hit T-6h it will be midnight and we will be able to come back full force in your aid.


Message from Agent #07 to Tanis.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-12h)
We have seen some dramatic changes in the last few hours.  Enormous tarps have been draw over the top of each pyramid except AiryCentral.  We have kept an Eagle's eye on this endeavor.  So far we have witnessed a count of 12,000 lizardmen.  We think there are at least 1000 human slaves.  We'd expect some ramps, pulleys, squaring poles, and large stones brought to the sight if they were getting ready to do more repair work.  But we have seen none of this.
Agent #01 was asked to druid-shapechange into a large eagle and fly overtop after Koraka placed a true-sight on her.  Once this task is done, we will provide the results.


Message from Agent #01 to Tanis.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-11h)
FlyBy Results
Agent #01 flew over the complex and was fired upon by some archers.  They appeared to be attacking on their own, as opposed to some kind of order.  The 7 arrows fired all missed, as they appeared to be out of range.  The view provided the following knowledge of the complex.
The buildings are protected with some sort of warding.  The warding was unable to be determined by the druid.  After describing them in detail to Koraka, she made the comment, she had not seen that type of warding before.  The complex has 250 guards in and around the facility.  Many lizardmen, but almost as many oddly shaped humans.  Most of the humans had a magical aura around them.  They appeared larger then normal.  Mostly they appeared extremely muscular, and hairy.  They almost looked as if they were TOG, but they were definitely human.  The complex has ballistae, catapults, rams, archers, and many patrols moving in a circle around the complex.  There are no visible prisoners.  There was a single imp holding a set of crossbows, hiding invisible near one of the towers.  There may have been more, but at that distance it was too difficult to determine.
The pyramid fly-over was also very interesting.  It appears now that there was a powerful illusion cast on the pyramid, restricting the true view.  The illusion was used to show a decapitated top.  In fact the true sight showed obvious repair work.  A drawing of the pyramid as it appeared with the illusion not functioning is here. 
Since the pyramid seems to have been repaired, we don't have to wait long to find out what the results are of the evil being unleashed.

Message from Tanis to Zen.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-10h)
Down Time.  I've got to get some sleep now if I will be of any use to your mission later.
Will get more information after one of the teams is back in action
Should be around midnight (T-6h) before I get another report.  If something else comes in, I will let you know.
Message from Tanis to Zen.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-7h)
Well my men are all rested,  We are starting in full force this hour.  I will let you know any and all updates that may have been missed in the last 3 hours.  One of the researchers, Agent #06 found some interesting notes.  Both Agent #06 and Agent #10 continued to work, as they felt research work in text was not as draining.  They found some notes about the original design of the pyramids.  Also they found some notes on the origins of the Complex known as the Keep of the Underlord.  Both notes will get posted soon.
Message from Agent#10 to tanis.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-6h)
We found some notes on the underlords keep.  It was owned up until a few years ago, by a mediocre land owner, known by his enemies as the underlord.  He was run out of the county by a man known by all as Max.  Max was said to have bought the land and the surrounding property at a good price and soon had it cleared of any and all unwanted monsters.  After which he created a small militia to defend his keep.  He then sought after and found 10 of the most rugged and toughest mercenaries in Astoria.  Details of them can be found here.
After surrounding himself with such an excellent defensive force, that was not enough.  He began to court the Hiss Clan from the serpantine penninsula, as well as the Black Claw Clan from near the Duchy of Kaneada.  Once they started, soon there were thousands of lizardmen kind all over the area.  In the last few months there was  absolutely no trouble.  People were amazed.  After all the warring that Airymagnus created 30 years ago, most felt that peace could not last.  But it did.  Only in the last few weeks has this peace been broken.  Hundreds of people have vanished.  Most believe it was the works of Max or his league with the lizardmen kind.  The keep is well guarded, protected with mighty magics, and hundreds of well armed and well funded troops (we know they are well funded, because we have an agent relieve a patrol of their loot, and they were carrying over 100gp on the 4 that we took captive.  We think that the brains of the entire operation is at the complex.  We know that the pyramids play some role, maybe even a central role in all of this, but we know so very little about them.  They supposedly have internal tunnels, but we have never seen them.  There are no known openings to any of the pyramids.  We know that people don't surround pyramids with thousands of troops for no reason at all.  We realize that they were on site for a reason.  We are still trying to find that out.  Agent #10 did finish the building analysis, based on the Deadnots visit to AiryCentral 20 some odd years ago.  This is what was determined.
The smaller pyramids do not have precisely matching measurements.  In fact they are spaced out very neatly and exactly.  But the smaller pyramids appear to have been directed by a lesser builder or builders.  AiryCentral is a master piece in the sense, that it is precsisely square and can be measure down to the inch or in this case much less then an inch.  The entire structure is square and each face points directly north, east south and west.  The base of each side is 839 feet exactly.  Each intersecting piece is precisely 593 feet in length.  A picture of the measurements is here. The variance is less then .01 of an inch.  This measurement is based on projection that were taken on what the pyramind would be if completed.  Of course these are assumptions.  The pyramid in its incomplete state, was a masterful work that drew in many to admire, until the undesirables came in and removed all scientific study.  Some of those studying the pyramids believed airyCentral was a central repository of all of Airymagnus's wealth.  Others believed it was a gating device used to bring the horrors of the murk and dreadnaught clans.  Others still believe it was a burial chamber for his children.  And still more crazy ideas pose that the pyramids serve as a central location for the powerlines of Astoria.  Thus giving whatever the purpose, a great deal of potential.  If we dig up anything else on the complex, the people or the pyramids, I will get it to you as soon as I can.
Message from Tanis to Zen.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-5h)
Agent #06 found some old manuscripts about Airymagnus.  It showed that he had at least 3 children 2 boys and a girl.  The records show that his son was named BetaMagnus, sometimes called Betamax or even Max.  He had a daughter named NeelaMagnus and nothing can be found about the 3rd child.  Betamagnus was tracked and killed by Sir Valkris soon after Airymagnus was killed.  Neela was never heard from again after her father fell. 
Agent #09 has talked with an escaped prisoner.  He found him in the outskirts of the pyramid complex.  The man was a farmer taken captive 5 days earlier near the river Vox.  He was quickly moved in the cover of night, hooded and naked to the pyramid gate.  He escaped, because another prisoner had given him a potion of invisibility, and he drank it and fled.  He did not know if he would remain alive or not.  He found the scout, and the scout saw an invisible naked man suffering from exhaustion and hunger.  The man told #09 that the pyramids were a loud place to be.  Much noise was made at night, moving stones and such. But he had not seen any work done in the morning.  He noted that a man known as Max had appeared in the lizardmen crowds one night, and gave a speech in the lizardmen tongue.  He got great yells of exhilliaration from the creatures.  Each day there seemed to be more and more clans arriving.  There were only 4 camps when he arrived, more then 10 were there by the time he escaped.  People were being taken away each night, and they were not being returned.  At first he thought they were being taken to a feast, and cooked, but he did not smell a human feast. 
The former slave suggested that rumors have taken ahold of the human slave population.  Many believe the others may have been taken to the Sacrificial Altar of Phasol. It is a rumored that a temple lies below one of the pyramids, where the god Phasol grants the wishes of his followers.  If this is true, there are enough sacrifices for a thousand wishes. 
Message from DM to Party.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-4h)
Koraka attempts to commune with her god to establish some baseline information.
Catrina also attempts to commune with her god to answer a group of questions. 
Zen is continuing to find more information out for the party.

Here is what Koraka's doing. She is at Zen's place of abode. She has a guest room, or broom closet or whatever... she is getting familiar with the local environment, looking at it with true sight, measuring it off, becoming familiar with this room. She obtains a censor for burning incense while carrying it safely and asks Zen to try to find a couple of spells on scroll. The time reversal spell that he told her about, that replays the last round or 2?.

Also Control Undead(7th) Telekinesis (5th) CrystalBrittle (9th) She is looking thru his library for information on pyramids. Not that she is a stranger to Egypt, pyramids, construction, etc. but she is looking for differences in the pyramids of this world, from the ones she is used to. She is also researching Airy Magnus, Fuscia wizards, and burrowing monsters such as purple worms, xorn, and any others to be found in Zen's library.

after this she will commune with Isis,(without any incense)I assume it fails,


if not let me know and I will send you some questions. Then I will spend some time relearning spells and resting.

CATRINA IS COMMUNING DIRECTLY WITH HER GOD< AS TO OTHER STUFF The pyramids in Astoria have a short history. Many believe that they were constructed in a mere 20 years time. The 4 smaller pyramids are inferior structures and were built using manual labor over a 20 year period. The Larger one in the center of the area is known as Airy Central. It has a substructure that is older then the last age. There were 3 periods of time for the building of the structure. The first one is very ancient. The second was during the last age. The latest work was done 20 years ago. As the pyramid was left unfinished, the new emperor sought to complete the pyramid as part of his grand plan. He had 4 shorter pyramids constructed, but they are inferior, not quite standing up to the test of time.


Message from Tanis to Zen.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-3h)
I've been asked to provide pictures of those including Max, woman with Max as well as the 10 hired guns.  Those that could be found are listed on the page with the names and other info on the hired mercenaries.  Take another look.
Message from Zen to party.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-2h)
Well I have some information finally.  I know there are only 2 hours left but I hope a plan is now in place.  I believe that the menace is Betamagnus, son to Airymagnus. I don't know how he returned, but surely that is not all that unlikely.  I think he has hired a group of lizardmen to guard the pyraminds.  He plans to launch some sort of assault and start a war.  At least that is one possible plan.  His complex is heavily gaurded and he seems to have hunkered down there.  He has reappeared at the pyramid a few times, but he has been seen at the Underlords complex more often.  Why would he have such a large garrison for that keep?  Why are they taking humans captive?  Why are they keeping them alive?  Lizardmen armies of that size normally would not leave their captives alive for more then a few hours.  What is the point of the rumblings near the pyramids. As a Deadnot, I will tell you that there once was a common entryway into the AiryCentral pyramid.  After we killed Airymagnus, we sealed tunnels and closed off the entryway.  We filled the thing with several 100 tons of rock.  I don't think that the opening can even be found.  It was on the upper part of the facing.  It might have been about 200 or so feet off the ground.  The original stairs that ran all over the pyramid were destroyed and dismantled.  Again I wish I could be of more help.  The Underlord was a minor lord in the days that we destroyed Airymagnus.  I don't have any information on that building.  I do know that the mercenary known as BashTar is a formidable enemy.  I met him once during the Blood and Riga festival some 30 years ago.  He was a mature Heiko at the time, and far superior to his younger allies.  It suprises me that he still seeks to aid the wrong side of history. 
Message from Agent#3 to party.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-2h)
I counted mostly humans on patrols up until a few hours ago.  They started having these giant-sized beasts, maybe 6-7 feet tall and very wide creatures, that look somewhat human, but have larger then normal heads and extremely muscular bodies.  They seem to know the terrain, and went along with the lizardmen on patrol.  As few as 15 men (or mercenaries of other races) in groups of 5 are on patrol at any given moment around the complex.  They move fairly quickly and set off magical torches each hour.  The torches upon further examination burn cold, but they emite light, and provide a smoke, that when in contact with invisible tissue or weapons, provides a glimmer, thus making things more likely to be made at least less likely to pass through unnoticed.  The patrols have at least 1 mercenary with a bell and a whistle.  This seems to be some kind of upgrade to what was here over the last few days.  I can't help but think the key to finding out what is going on in the pyamids is through the complex.
Message from Jerico to Zen.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-2h)
Zen, I'm sending a certified letter via pigeon, please read ASAP.
Jerico Blackaxe
Message from Zen to Party.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-1h)
I hope you all join my friends Heroe's Feast.  It is being served now.  If you plan to par-take, (SEND EMAIL TO DM LETTING HIM KNOW BEFORE THE H-HOUR POSTING) Let me know.
I have another note for everyone.  I dimensional folded to the pyramids earlier today.  I took some readings, I have this tid-bit to offer.  The Main AiryCentral pyramid is made mostly of granite and limestone.  It is large, and heavy.  It has a magical Warding on it that was of immense power.  The best I could get from it was that the power went off the scales.  I tried to take some samples of the stone and could not damage the thing.  I tried not to make a scene, but eventually even while cloaked, I believe I was spotted by a creature flying overhead.  I believe it was a green dragon with rider.  There were some other odd things about that made me think that the pyramid might contain such an evil that only a team of highly trained Undead hunters could possibly take on such a task.  Take great care.  Note that I can't tell you what is the best course, but I would take my own party to the complex in hopes of determining is BetaMagnus is in fact held up in the keep.  Why has he gathered such a garrison and yet an even bigger army in the field of the pyramids.  The marshy conditions near the pyramids have provided many with cover, but the lizardmen make excellent patrols for the area.  Don't waist any time.  I can sense that the evil grows near.  Don't ask me how I can sense it, just trust these old bones of mine (not belt) :)
If you find BetaMagnus, remember this, his father was the most nortorious bastard to roam Astoria.  He has a legacy of destroying Astoria, both in populations and culture.  Anything that can be found of the AiryMagnus world, please take with you off this world.  Also keep any money or magic you find.  My main objective here is find out what is going on, to disband that army an/or defeat BetaMagnus before he can execute his plan.  If you happen across some powerful creature or beast, take heed.  Last of all, I can get you all to either site with a Dim Folder to start things off, since we are a few days ride away.  I can even try to Dim Fold you all into the pyramid, but I doubt it will have much success.
Message from Tanis to Jerico.
Final Hours til H-hour (T-1/2h)

Jerico asked...

Jerico is going to want info on patrols around the Keep- find out the routes, times, changing of the guard, how much time between patrols, all of that kind of crunchy stuff.

The patrols have been fairly consistant around the keep.  The patrols stay relatively close to the keep.  They venture out between 200-400 feet of the outer walls.  There are always 3 separate patrols, sometimes 4 on the ground at any given moment.  They are usually 3 lizardmen, 2 of which with crossbows, and 1 with axe.  2 humans, although lately it seems they are the enlarged mini-giants.  Some are calling them Tog, although they are not Tog.  The circle the perimeter and make their rounds every 10 minutes.  They change guards every 2 hours.  They send out a scout who moves up 50-100 feet, the rest move up behind, 1 lags back so that the entire move takes about a minute.  There are watchers on the walls observing the patrols at all times.  Often big directed lamps are drawn on the patrols.  Each patrol carries a pair of lanterns.  Each patrol scans their area fairly well.  Somewhere between 15-20 guards are on the move outside the complex throughout the day and night.



There was a request to present the letter that Zen received from the past.  It will be posted below.


Dear Zen
If you are reading this, I am dead but my predictions about you are true.  You have outlasted all the other Deadnots save Ruda-Moota.  If this is true, may Quantom continue to look out for you.  While you killed the evil Airymagnus oh so many years ago, his son Betamagnus was resurrected and returned to the AiryCentral (great pyramid). Precisely 12 months ago,  he brought his sister back to life, and they have hatched a plan of revenge on you and Astoria.  I know by now you are too old to fight off this menace.  But you surely can aid this problem with the help of your friends.  Bring a party to your home and offer them what you can in food and drink to wash the Airy Menace from this world.  Beware this evil, they have employed much and have nothing to lose.  They want to wipe the Deadnots from existence.  They want you to Vanish and to bring back their father.  They have hatched a plan.  I can not tell you anymore.  Their powerful father has blured the lines of history, preventing this plan's design from coming forth.  Use this Message as best you can. 
                                                        Father Quintos
Message to Tanis from Agent#03
I am concerned that we may have been spotted.  I can not located Agent#02.  He was located just outside of  the complex, providing extremely close recon. 
Message from Zen to Party
I hope you all enjoy the meal  I am glad you all were able to partake.  You will need all the help you can get.  You will need to be swift in action, and clear in your intent.  Don't waste a moment.  Keep in mind that your enemy is a smart and intent on stopping you.  Make no mistake about it, they will kill you, then me, and then they feel they will have a free reign to take back the continent.  If you need my help, let me know what I can do.  I will hold up here at my keep.  I will provide you a dimensional gateway to either site.  Let me know what else you need.
*****************************END OF PREADVENTURE POSTINGS***************

The Post Adventure Notes Detail.  **********
The adventure began as the party finished their Heroes Feast.  The party consisted of  Jerico Blackaxe, Avalon, Gideon, Koraka, and Catrina the High Clerist.  They proceeded through the Zen created dimensional folding and arrived 600 yds from the Underlords complex.  The party then spent a good amount of time thinking about a plan.  They got good intel showing hundreds of lizardmen.  The keep had over 200 lizardmen inside and out.
Eventually Koraka shaped changed into a purple worm and dug down through the earth and all the way until the party found a chamber containing a woodland beast (dragon) they killed the dragon and went on until they got underneath the complex.  They then found that the complex was proteced with a powerful warding.  They eventually, after a great deal of thought, proceeding upward.  The party then cast a wall of ice to shield their entrance to the complex.  They found a power hyperthreaded warding on the main door to the complex.  Koraka shaped changed into a black pudding, and was unable to affect the door.  She then turned into a Rust Monster and tried to attack the door.  After the attack failed, the warding on the door fired off, and the effect of 15 delayed blast fireballs each at 20th level executed.  The effect knocked down, but did not kill Jerico or Gideon.  Avalon and Koraka were somewhat affected by the intense fire.  Catrina ignored the fire entirely.  Over 100 of the complex's guards were killed by the warding.
Once the effect was invoked, the party healed itself, opened the front door and proceed inside.  They marched straight into the complex, found a bunch of gaurds, killed them, took some captives and got the bartender to agree to help them for a price.  A ruby was offered to him by Jerico.  He pointed out the secret door and the 2 accountants, Jim and Paul were made to help the party find and explore the pyramid.  The party teleported to the pyramid and used the key taken from the accountant to open the chamber door.  They proceed inside and found the hidden shaft. Koraka and Catrina turned gaseous to see where the shaft led.  The party then teleported into the chamber.  They found BetaMagnus, Neela, and the 10 mercenaries.  The room appeared as a step pyramid.  thousands of dead bodies lined the floor.  A fight began that lasted for over 20 rounds.  Gideon, Avalon, Jerico and Koraka all took massive damage from many attacks, including numchaka, and fist attacks from the powerful Heiko Bashtar.  There was vorpaling and sharpness attacks all over the place.  An archer who never missed, and always created serious damage.  As the fight progressed, Koraka cast as wish and brought back his downed party members.  As the fight wore on, and the party used up much of their magiks, Betamagnus wished all of his downed (7) comrades back.  The fight was getting really ugly.  Catrina managed to cast a Holy Word and send the beast inside Neela away.  The beast was destroyed and sent away.  With Neela in a state of shock, Betamagnus and Neela fled.  The 10 mercenaries orchestrated a negotiated settlement.  Everyone in the fight left alive.  There was a great deal of shock with regards to the Paladins behaviour.  Below are some sketches to help explain. 


